Is this cairn/mound-like structure in Germany real or imagined?


Accepted answer

OK, this turned out to be a quite extreme case of misremembering. The building was in fact Waldviertel Pyramid.

What I got right:

  • it was built in a forest in Austria (I know, not Germany, but a German-speaking country)
  • it has rock "walls" covered with grass on top
  • there is no sign of prehistoric activity in the area
  • its origins are unknown
  • the largest diameter is 14 meters, meaning the rest of them are in the 5-10 meter range I have estimated

What I got wrong:

  • it HAS "steps" - it looks more like a pyramid (hence the name) than I have (mis)remembered (it has, or had, one side damaged, so it might have influenced my false memory)
  • it is likely only several hundred, not several thousand, years old

The explanation for the last one is also how I found it - I have searched through all .pdf files on ancient sites on my old computer and found it is a pseudoarcheological book, in which it IS claimed to be "of ancient origin".

Last, but not the least. Thanks to everybody.

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