How were the invasions of Korea by the Mongols and the Manchus similar?


Accepted answer

Really the only strategic similarity you've pointed out is the value of an island fortress. Looking into it deeper, I'm not sure there's much more to it than that.

The core of the Mongol army was their horse archers. The combination of being faster than anyone they faced and being able to attack at range was devastating to the typical non-nomadic foot army of levied peasants. However, on both ends of the continent they always had much more trouble with sieges. The tactic of retreating to strong points appears to have been as effective for the Koreans as it was for the Poles, with Ganghwa Island being a particularly strong point.

I had trouble digging up the composition of the first Manchu invasion force, but the Koreans opposing them by this time were no longer foot archers and peasants with pointy sticks, but rather primarily musketeers. This is the force composition that had turned the Asiatic steppe from a place to be feared into a power vacuum, and the invading Manchu didn't have nearly the same bugaboo about taking fortified cities as the Mongols, so it appears they probably had a least some semblance of a modern army as well.

But of course a good island fortress is still a tough nut to crack, particularly if you don't have a navy. The Koreans managed to hold out long enough that their Chinese allies/overlords were able to dispatch an army strong enough to convince the Manchu commanders to a peace settlement.

When they came back 10 years later, its pretty clear the Manchus had learned some lessons. It was definitely a combined-arms force they brought with them with (Chinese) musketeers and artillery. They dispatched a unit of (Mongol) Calvary to ensure the leadership didn't evacuate to that annoying fortress, and brought themselves a Naval force to forestall any equally-annoying reinforcements from China.

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