Did Cao Cao really say the greatest traitor resembled an honest man?


Accepted answer

I highly doubt it.

Bar one line, that almost-exact quote

The greatest traitor has always resembled an honest man and the greatest falsehood comes across as truth.

Righteousness and evil cannot be discerned by their appearance.

People have decided wrongly about me in the past.

Today they still misjudge me,

and may continue to do so in the future.

However, I shall remain myself.

I have never cared about others misjudging me

can be heard from 31:24 to 31:46 in this video, which is an episode from the 2010 TV series, which itself is mainly based on The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which in turn is a novel loosely based on the Records of the Three Kingdoms.

Chinese transcription of the quote in that video:







I cannot find 大奸似忠,大僞似眞 in either the Records or the Romance.

Well, the Romance was supposedly written in the 14th century. According to this Baidu article, The greatest traitor has always resembled an honest man (大奸似忠) first appeared in a Song Dynasty text (宋・邵博《聞見後錄》), so such a quote cannot possibly be attributed to the historical Cao Cao.

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