What is going on in this depiction of a mosque scene?


It appears from your description this artwork is being used to illustrate Story III, from Chapter iV of the Gulistan (1256CE). A translation of this work can be found at the source books collection Fordham.edu:

A sensible youth made vast progress in the arts and sciences, and was of a docile disposition; but however much he frequented the societies of the learned, they never could get him to utter a word. On one occasion his father said: "O my son, why do not you also say what you know on this subject?" He replied: "I am afraid lest they question me upon what I know not, and put me to shame.---Hast thou not heard of a Sufi who was hammering some nails into the sole of his sandal. An officer of cavalry took him by the sleeve, saying, 'Come along, and shoe my horse.'---So long as thou art silent and quiet, nobody will meddle with thy business; but once thou divulges it, be ready with thy proofs."

This would indicate the father in the scene is reaching out to his son, to encourage him to participate.

Note the artist does have a website where you could contact him. If you do so self answering a question with such details is sometimes done here.

This story does remind me of a favorite quote which is often attributed to many different authors including Lincoln and Twain:

"It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it."

Perhaps your story here is the true source of that quote...

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