What is the earliest reference to King Arthur being raised by Sir Ector?


Accepted answer

The earliest reference seems to be in Robert de Boron's poem "Merlin". That poem only survives in fragments, but what's more accessible is the Prose Merlin, which is a prose work based on Robert de Baron's poem. In any case, this chapter of the Prose Merlin describes Arthur as being raised by Antor, which seems to be the original name of Ector:

And Antor, that had this child nourished till he was a much man of fifteen years of age, he had him truly norisshed so that he was faire and much; and he had never soaked other milk but of his wife, and his son he had made to be nourished of another woman. Neither Antor knew not whether he loved better, nor he called him never but his son; and he went verily that he had ben his father. At Halowmasse Antor made his son knight, and at Yoole he came to Logres, as did the other knights of the land, and brought with him his two sones.

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