How many were "deliberately" killed after Stalin's rule in Soviet Russia?


Accepted answer

Since the amnesties after Stalin death the only method of "deliberate killing" was execution by a court decision. The numbers of executed were kept secret but it was probably less than 1000 per year (by most estimates):

At the time of Stalin death there were millions of people in the camps, and certainly many of them died before the amnesties. But I suppose that after 1960 there were no "deliberate killings" except those executed by court decisions. Perhaps I should mention that certain crimes punishable by death in Soviet Union are not considered capital crimes nowadays, for example "currency speculation", and that some sentences were made by secret courts (in the cases of high treason).

EDIT. There were several occasional atrocities, like Novocherkassk massacre, or abuse of psychiatry which can be qualified as deliberate killings, but there was nothing on the scale comparable with Stalin's times.

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