What was the range of people's social lives like, before the technology for long distance communications developed?


There is little doubt that until 19s century most people could communicate and socialize only with those in close proximity to them. Travel was slow, expensive and dangerous. But regular mail service was also not available to everyone in most places, most of the time. When we read in the history of mail that such and such emperor "established mail service", this usually means that he established it for himself, not for the general public. Regular mail which anyone can use seems to be the 19s century institution, even in the most advanced countries of Europe.

Until that time, rich people could use couriers and messengers (or various kinds of private mail), and ordinary people had to use occasions, passing a message with someone traveling. The examples are abundant in the literature.

Even in the first half of 20s century, people traveled much less than they do not, much less people could travel, and the main mean of communication was mail.


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