Is there any record of the Ebionites outside of the antiheretical polemics of the church fathers?


Accepted answer

The answer to your question is: no, there are no surviving unmistakably Ebionite sources. What we know about Ebionites comes entirely from hostile Christian sources.

There is however an early Greek book called “The Homilies of Clement”, a fictitious autobiography of St Clement of Rome. As has been recognised for a long time now, many of the doctrines expounded in this voluminous work have a clear affinity to those which the polemical sources attribute to the Ebionites and other so-called Jewish-Christian sects. Some scholars have maintained that the pseudo-Clementine Homilies (or rather their underlying lost source “G”) are an Ebionite work. However, we do not really have enough reliable information to assign the (proto-)Homilies to any one particular Jewish-Christian sect, or indeed really to know what the difference was between Ebionites, Nazoraeans, Elchasaites and other so-called Jewish-Christians. What we do have is evidence for a wide current in early Christianity which, among other things, maintained the continued validity of the Law of Moses even after the coming of the Christ.

PS.: I have intentionally refrained from giving links to Wikipedia and other such “resources”, as the “information” found there is mostly pasted together from out-of-date and unreliable works. What I have given is a very brief synopsis of current academic discussion.

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