Identify the caricatured countries in an illustration about the XYZ affair


Accepted answer

The description of the print on the British Museum site includes the following explanation of that part of the picture:

The scene is on the coast near the Channel. Across the water is 'Shakespeare's Cliff', rising in a curve to a mound on which sits in a chair a fat John Bull laughing at the spoliation.

In the middle distance, by the French shore, is a group of five: a Spanish don in cloak and slashed breeches says: "they'll certainly pluck her to the last feather". Next him (left) stands the Pope wearing his tiara and holding an open book; he says: "aye they left me nothing but my prayer book and Crown, and stripd that of its jewels". A fat Dutchman (right), pointing across the water, says: "Yaw Mynheer we have been great dupes and there sits John Bull on his Rock laughing at us". Next is an Austrian hussar, saying, "yes we know how things will go by Experience". The fifth, behind the others, may be a Swiss.

  • (my emphasis)

It notes that the picture is a Hand-coloured etching dated 1 June 1798.

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