How is the "Blitzkrieg" different from the "glubokaya operatsiya"


Accepted answer

Wiki seems to be answering your question:

While Blitzkrieg emphasized the importance of a single strike on a Schwerpunkt (focal point) as a means of rapidly defeating an enemy, Deep Battle emphasized the need for multiple breakthrough points and reserves to exploit the breach quickly. The difference in doctrine can be explained by the strategic circumstances for the USSR and Germany at the time. Germany had a smaller population but a better trained army whereas the Soviet Union had a larger population but a more poorly trained army. As a result, the Blitzkrieg emphasized narrow front attacks where quality could be decisive, while Deep Battle emphasized wider front attacks where quantity could be used effectively.

Another aspect of the Soviet strategy is that the reserves are given to the most successful of the multiple directions of offensive. IOW, if unit A, B and C are attacking at three different points, and A is making progress, B is stalled, and C walked into an ambush and is being decimated, then B and C are left to deal with their issues themselves and all possible support is given to A (source). However, this makes such an eminent sense, that I doubt that it is specific to the Soviet Army.

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