When did leaf springs appear in vehicles?


Steel was commercially produced before the Bessemer converter by a "puddle" process. Replacing the puddle workers with the Bessemer process lead to the Homestead (Pinkerton) riot.

Good spring steel is more than low carbon. It also requires alloying with larger metal constituents to pin the metal polycrystals in place.


Making a leaf spring starts with ...

A leaf spring is a spring with many leaves (or laminae) bound together. Typically made of steel (but in principle other materials could have been used, e.g. laminated wood)

When did they appear in the historical record?

According to The Steel Spring Suspensions of Horse Drawn Carriages (circa 1760 to 1900) by Gordon S Candle B.Sc., Ph.D., M.Sc., C.Eng, M.I.Mech.E. 1978:

Although there had been earlier instances of their use, it was only from about 1770 that the inclusion of laminated steel springs began to be regarded as normal practise.


Leaf spring was first adapted to the horse drawn carriage in the 14th or 15th century. It didn't see widespread use until it's production became more practical in the 18th century. It cannot be said when "every" modern smithy was capable of producing Leaf Spring as each had it's own specialization as it were. I highly doubt you could walk into any smithy and ask for leaf spring at any point in history. You would have to visit what's called a "wheelwright" in the US. The only items I can safely say would be made in all smithy's are the common place and easily produced, IE nails, horse shoes.


To answer the question in the title, apparently the leaf spring was invented in 1804 by Obadiah Elliott, a carriage builder in London, who was granted a patent for his leaf-spring-suspension vehicle on 11 May 1805.

The following extract from Leaf springs, their characteristics and methods of specification; a hand-book of useful information relating to automobile leaf springs, their manufacture, methods of specification, details and characteristics has a little more detail.

Obadiah Elliott, a noted English carriage builder of Lambeth, obtained a patent in 1804 for a means of suspending vehicles on elliptic springs. The Society of Arts awarded him their gold medal and the popularity of his product, and his success in general, were doubtless prompted by this official recognition of merit.

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