What was C.S. Lewis referring to in The Weight of Glory?


Significant events that occurred roughly 100yrs before he wrote this quote:

  • On the Origin of Species was published on 24 November 1859. Not only did this work by Darwin directly influenced State Atheism, it also drastically changed how scientists and schools perceived the world.

  • The transition from the Industrial Revolution ended in about 1830-40. Factories and assembly lines could mass produce vehicles and modern conveniences like refrigerators and radios by Lewis's time. Capitalists were relentless in evangilizing new products that they claimed would improve your quality of life.

By the time C.S Lewis had published The Weight of Glory in 1942, he had seen the birth of the 20th century and the beginning of two World Wars. A LOT happened in the 100 years leading up to this quote. I don't think that there is one single event that you could attribute this statement to.


If you check out "The Abolition of Man" you'll get an understanding of what he means. He's basically saying that modern education has a tendency to move our eyes from the joy that is set before us in heaven, to the created things of this world. In Lewis' time (think mid-1940's) the "modern education" system which he decries was more or less about a century old.

Basically, Lewis' beef with modern education is that it teaches our heavenly intuitions, imaginations, and feelings, are excluded by modern techniques. He wants to see us being whole creatures capable of apprehending the "shadows of heaven" that is joy.

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