How much time did medieval Christians devote to prayer?


Some early forms of Rosary were known before 1200, although they were probably not as popular as from 13th century on. Jesus prayer popular in Orthodox church was definitely known. Angelus is prayed outside monasteries since 13th century. Way of the Cross is even younger. Wikipedia article on novena is a stub and brief search didn't find anything much better, but novenas could be known and prayed even in early Middle Ages.

We don't know very well how laymen prayed before 1200 - we can be sure they prayed, but most of the forms have not been recorded. I would guess that devout Christians could pray a lot, but there was no prayer practice everyone (including the less devout) was supposed to join except for Holy Mass, which was not so common in some parts of Europe (in Western Europe there could be a net of churches, but in newly evangelized lands this was hardly the case).

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