Jesus... the word became flesh


It's a "BIG" deal because the center piece of the whole Bible has to do with the identity of the "Logos/Word" and His purpose for being sent to earth. John 1:1-14.

You will also notice I said, "His" purpose. At John 1:1 it does not say "God's word or words, it says "The Word existed..." And "The Word existed how? The Word existed with God. In John 1.1b The Word and The God are distinct, there is a subject/object distinction between the two. And finally, "The Word was God." So whatever God is, The Word is, and vice versa. So if "The Word" is impersonal, God is impersonal. If "The Word " is just a thought or a plan, then "The God" is just a thought or a plan.

So, the Word has self existence and the "Word" is shown to exist in relation to "The God" contrary to those trying to make this "God's word." In short, the nature of The Word is God. And by the way, Jesus existed "BEFORE" the creation at Genesis 1:1. The following site explains in detail John 1:1 and how Jesus existed before His incarnation as a man.


A word used over 300 times in NT, but never referred to as a person. [...]

The people John wrote too would never expect him to write of a person who is God. [...]

Why do we make such a big deal out of John's use of 'logos'?

As I understand your question you are asking why the logos here (the Word) in Christianity is believed to be God.

Here is what we know about the Word taken from the chapter you referenced, John 1.

  1. The Word was God (verse 1)
  2. The Word became flesh (verse 14)
  3. The Word dwelt among us (verse 14)
  4. The Word has the glory as of the only begotten from the Father (verse 14)

So the Word is God who became flesh and dwelt among us with the glory of the only begotten of the Father. Clearly, these are personal references (begotten / being God), and in Christianity there is only one person who could become flesh and be God at the same time, with the glory of the only begotten of the Father: Jesus Christ.

The passage is a big deal, because it shows that Jesus Christ has all of the above attributes, especially being God and being flesh, united in Himself.

For reference, here are the two quoted verses in full (NASB).

John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14: And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

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