Inconsistency in Biblical interpreatation (Genesis & Judges)


Accepted answer

I'm pretty sure this has been covered here before but...

The problematic interpretation here is not the second of the two you mention it us the first. Neither passage is a teaching passage about what is right or wrong expression of sexuality. Both passages are narrative of events that happened and both events are condemned.

The Genesis passage is not a good proof text for the fact that God considers h*m*sexual acts to be sinful even though it is clear from the narrative that evil is afoot.

Likewise we know that the Judges account is of a tale of misdeeds but it is not clear what is what. We learn clearly from the rest of scripture what proper relations are, so we conclude from this passage the eminent issue is the rape and murder, not the heterosexual nature of the rape.


Very few Christian apologists would use the Sodom and Gomorrah story as a negative toward Homosexuality. They are far more likely to use Romans 1:24-27; I Timothy 1:10 and Jude 7.

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