Does the Bible ever reference dancing angels?


Just to add as formal answer to @AndreaNerla comment angels singing and praising are an anthropomorphization. This is might be the context of the question.

No, the anthropomorphization of God (or God's angels) is technically called in "pride" Isaiah and its not cool, Isaiah 2:17,

The arrogance of man will be brought low and human pride humbled

I recognise thats not how the comment is intended, but from a Christian perspective anthropomorphization of God is out of bounds. Large chunks of Isaiah are dedicated to this theme and is a major charge of God against the disobedience of Israel (that's us).

The biblical perspective it's the other way round its "theopomorphization" (it ain't a word I made it up, the idea is Theo is God). So this is not angels conforming to humans, but humans conforming to God's angels. How does that work? When the bible describes angels sing praising God (Job 38:7; Luke 2:13-14; Revelations 5:9) we take that queue (or instruction) and also sing praise to God.

The reason this is important is that the church is a pale reflection of the kingdom of God, 1 Corinthians 13:12,

For now we see only a reflection [of God's kingdom] as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.

Thus what goes on down here is simply mirroring the heavenly realm as described in Job, Luke and Revelation.

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