Do all YEC believe flat earth?


I am a believer in "young-earth creation" and a flat, "domed" earth as per a as-literal-as-possible reading of the Bible (I prefer KJV for English).

From becoming a "flat-earther" in the past few years, it is definitely clear that young-earth-creationism is not always 100% linked to flat-earth belief, be it Christians or non-Christians.

For Christians as you can see in this thread, even though you have pointed out how a strongly-literal reading of the Bible indicates not only a young but flat earth, there are many Christians that may believe in the young earth but still a globe earth.

FWIW, a secular comparison can be seen in geocentric and/or "electric universe" science researchers, etc. that hold to the globe earth belief but strongly question the Copernican and/or relativistic principle(s).

To sum up, there are many parallel Christian and secular investigations of young/old earth, aliens/demons, globe/flat earth, geocentric/heliocentric and electric/gravitational "universe". Throw in the spiritual realm and/or multidimensional universe and simulation theory... Well, suffice to say that's really why we need the guidance of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Praise God.

For further reading see Rob Skiba's site and videos:


The answer would be No.

As an example, John MacArthur of "Grace To You" ministries is a YEC:

But what if you start with a different set of assumptions? What if you go to the evidence assuming the biblical record is true, namely, that the earth is relatively young and there was a cataclysmic event known as the Flood?

That’s what John MacArthur assumes, and as he listens to scientists with similar assumptions, he finds that there are many indications of a young earth.

But he acknowledges the fact that the Earth is not flat:

Whoever made this earth understands that is spherical and not flat. He understands that it rotates on an axis, not that it is stationary with heaven rotating around it. Whoever it was that created this earth knows that it is suspended in space on nothing.

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