Should Adam’s and Eve’s death be regarded as a sacrifice?


First of all, Adam and Eve did not have "eternal life," as there is no Biblical evidence of that. They were in a temporary state which required God's testing before He granted them such life. The tree of Life shows this. Eating from that tree regularly only sustained their human life until the next eating. See Revelation 22:1-9.

Failing God's test, God pronounced judgement on Adam and Eve. One of the consequences of their action of disobedience was that God imposed mortality upon Adam and thus upon the entire human race which was in his loins figuratively speaking (see Romans 5:12-19).

So we see that Adam and Eve's deaths were the result of God's judgment, and had nothing to do with sacrifice. No person who does not adhere to God's Word deserves to live in His universe, so God imposed a death sentence upon the race until a suitable sacrifice could be made to fully redeem them. Death, then, is a temporary measure to curb sin. They were also banned from the tree of life to prevent them from living perpetually in their "fallen" state.

Adam and Eve, and all people, are saved only be believing God concerning the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. note that God promised the Savior before He pronounced judgement upon the first couple.


"Regarded as a sacrifice"-- to what end? Their death was punishment for their sin. Moreover, their sin brought death to all the world: "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--" (Rom 5:12 NASB95)

There was, and is, nothing redemptive about the physical death of any man or woman, except Christ's.

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