Is there any true evidence for any miraculous event written in the bible?


In your recent question about human thought you speak of a realm in which physics does not apply. And you speak of communication to, and perhaps from, this other realm. I call this the realm of spirit.

In your recent question you speak of 'time' which existed before time. I call this 'eternity' for the terms 'infinite time' or 'time before time' are clearly contradictory and illogical terms.

This other sphere, this other realm, this other kind of existence, is that of eternal spirit. And from that realm came a voice which said :

I am that I am. [Exodus 3:14, KJV.]

And the voice came from a flame. And the flame was in a bush.

And the bush, supernaturally, was not consumed . . . .

. . . . proving that the voice came from a realm where physics does not apply and where there is no time, just eternal Being.

You had already answered your own question, here, with your other question, there. I have just assisted by applying biblical terminology to concepts with which you were already familiar.

Moses heard that voice about three and a half thousand years ago. But the voice of the Eternal Spirit still speaks, timelessly, unfailingly . . . .

. . . to those that have ears to hear it.

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