Did Jesus' body stay warm in the tomb?


Did Jesus' body stay warm in the tomb?

The short answer is no!

Christians , including Catholics, believe that Jesus truly died on the Cross.

It is hard to speak of Our Lord’s body as in being a cadaver. But, the reality is that for the duration that his body was in the tomb his body would have cooled down until it (his body) reached the ambient temperature of the tomb. There was no life force left in his body to maintain the temperature of the human body while living, 98.6°F (37°C).

Where or not the body of Jesus Christ started to decompose is another question, that is not addressed here and I will not answer either in this post.

After death, the metabolic rate of the body decreases. Although certain metabolic reactions are still occurring in the body, it’s no longer making new molecules or generating any energy.

Without the brain and heart functioning, there’s no way for the body to control its temperature. Therefore, based on the laws of physics, the temperature of the corpse will equilibrate with the surrounding ambient temperature. If the temperature is below 37°C, the body temperature will decrease by 1°C in the first two hours after death, and then continue to decrease by one degree every hour. - What Is Algor Mortis?

Unfortunately the spices that may have been applied to the body of the Lord Jesus would have no affect on the algor mortis.

Our Lord truly died, but he is now truly risen!

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