Did Jesus change his mind in John 7?


This is quite plain.

Jesus said "My time has not yet fully come", meaning when the time has fully come, He will go to the feast.

This is similar to the miracle at Cana where Jesus turns water into wine. There also He says, "My time is not yet come".


In response to the comments, your understanding seems a bit narrow minded. Jesus went in secret - yes this is true.

But why?

  1. In many instances after healing someone Jesus asked that person to keep it a secret.

  2. Jesus asked Peter, James and John to keep His transfiguration a secret till He was resurrected.

  3. The Jews were seeking to kill Him and that too specifically during this festival of tabernacles.

All this was done in the same Spirit. Though none could kill Him before the appointed time, Jesus always avoided provoking the Jews. Although when directly confronted with a hypocritical action He retaliated, He did not do so without such an action on the part of the Jews.

That's why Jesus went secretly instead of openly.

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