Did GOD create pathogens after the sin of Adam and Eve?


Accepted answer

There are a couple of possible ways to look at this.

First, we know that God finished creation according to Genesis. That is to say that He did not continue inventing new life forms and physical structures. When man sinned a fundamental change occured in not only his relationship with God but also with creation. Carnivores became a danger and quite possibly micro-organisms became a problem due to Adam and Eves fallen state. The glory of God that once clothed their nakedness may have been the very thing that empowered their immune system to fight all foreign organisms in their system. Being that immunity and antibodies are a highly integrated system generated in the bone marrow, one would have to conclude this was part of Gods original design of man.

Another way to view it is that after the curse brought on creation by sin, some things changed and took on more dangerous properties through mutation. This is not a nod towards the notion of evolution but simply a acknowledgement that there are variations in genetic coding over time. The scripture does indicate that when Adam and Eve were cast from the garden that the ground would produce thorns for them. This could be a general metaphor regarding the natural and biological threats that would arise in the world around them.

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