Blue plate special as metaphor for the Trinity


It does sound like Partialism eg akin to the 3 leaf clover idea (see above you-tube for an entertaining explanation of that :) !! )

I prefer the metaphor of a cube to explain the Trinity to those who may need something concrete to assist in their undestanding. There we have Length, Breadth and Height. The Length is NOT the Breadth is NOT the Height. They are separate. Yet they all are partakers of the same stuff of the cube (same essence). And one dimension is not more important than another (they are equal in power and glory). Also, you cannot ever lose one of the dimensions, for then you do not have a cube any more (all Persons (Father, Son and Spirit) are co-eternal).

When they are a little older, the kids can also have the idea of the Trinity explained using X, Y & Z dimensions for space, or they might like to read the best explanation I have come across from Calvin's Institutes. HTH


It sounds like a heretical understanding sometimes called Partialism, which suggested that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are parts of the one God. Partialism contrasts the The Athanasian Creed. Namely:

And the Catholic Faith is this, that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity. Neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Substance.

And St. Athanasius writes in paragraph 28 of the Discourse 1 Against the Arians:

As we said above, so now we repeat, that the divine generation must not be compared to the nature of men, nor the Son considered to be part of God, nor the generation to imply any passion whatever; God is not as man; for men beget passibly, having a transitive nature, which waits for periods by reason of its weakness. But with God this cannot be; for He is not composed of parts, but being impassible and simple, He is impassibly and indivisibly Father of the Son.

In the Blue Plate special example, each portion is only part of the meal. Any one individual portion is not fully the meal. In the Trinity, each divine person is fully God.

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