What is the meaning of "excellent things" in Proverbs 22:20


After comparing this verse with the New International Version and the New Living Translation Bible, it seems that the meaning of the Hebrew word used is uncertain. Both the NIV and the NLT translate that particular word as “thirty sayings.” The NLT Study Bible notes acknowledge that some Bibles prefer to translate the word as “excellent sayings.” The notes then give this explanation as to why they say “thirty sayings”:

“Early scribes noticed that the Hebrew word for thirty has been written in an unusual form (shlshwm) rather than the usual form (shlyshwm). All the early translations of the Old Testament (e.g., Greek Septuagint, Latin Vulgate, Syriac Peshitta) read it as thirty.”

From Proverbs 22:22 up to and including Proverbs 24:22 are those thirty wise sayings. From Proverbs 24:23-34 there are more sayings of the wise.

It seems that this is a literary device employed within Proverbs where a number of wise sayings are recorded (10:1-31:31).

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