Did Nicodemus use an unusually large quantity of spice- mixture to anoint Jesus' body on burial?


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Did Nicodemus use an unusually large quantity of spice mixture to anoint Jesus' body on burial?

This was definitely a large amount to anoint Jesus’ body. The Gospels do not say if he used the entire amount. So how much Nicodemus actually used on the body of Jesus is actually unknown.

If λίτρας in John 19. 39 is meant to be a dry measure then the amount is about seventy-five pounds because the Roman pound was about twelve ounces. Even if λίτρας is meant to be a liquid measure this is a large amount of spices.

The large amount that Nicodemus and Joseph took was definitely a sign of their great love and respect for Jesus: It was a kingly amount for a king’s burial! This is explained here: Nicodemus and His Spices (John 19.39)

Did you catch the amount of spices Nicodemus brought to the burial? Normal Jewish burials called for five pounds of spices — an amount typically on hand in a Jewish household. Seventy-five pounds was an extraordinary amount — the quantity used to bury royalty. - An Unusual Thing Happened on the Way to Jesus’ Burial


Large Amount Consider that the disciples, Nicodemus and Joseph, knew that Jesus had a large following during His ministry, and like funerals of famous people, very many people who knew and heard Jesus teach, would be coming to pay their last respects at the tomb. Remember that "crowds" followed Jesus on His itinerant teaching journeys---much more than the Twelve...the Seventy...the women from Galilee.

Also consider that all those people could not show up at the Tomb until several days later because of the Sabbath day's journey limitations of the Pharisees. So, to make it halfway decent (bearable smell), this amount of preservatives would be needed to keep the tomb from becoming too rank. Without refrigeration or embalming the corpse of Jesus would quickly deteriorate. The two men were wisely thinking ahead.

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