Has there been any denominational, official, public push-back against governments declaring in-person worship 'non-essential'?


Yes. The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England & Wales protested in a letter to the British Prime Minister in November 2020 that worship was essential (with my emphasis in the quote):

Much has been made of the adverse impact on mental health of volunteer and paid carers during this pandemic. Common Worship is an important way of sustaining the wellbeing, and ability to serve, of people of faith who volunteer. The benefits of public worship are scientifically well attested.

For this reason alone, given the size and duration of the contribution of faith communities to the pandemic response, and the importance of sustaining their commitment and wellbeing, public worship is essential, should be classed by government as necessary and supported to continue.

It enables and sustains people of faith in contributing to the service and health of our nation.

Full text on CBCEW website

It didn't have much effect immediately, but the next national lockdown in March 2021 did not close churches or forbid public worship.

With the announcement of a new lockdown for England to curb the rapid spread of COVID-19, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, said:

The regular practice of our faith in God is a well-established source of both personal resilience and dedicated service to those in need. Such resilience and enduring service are vital in these difficult circumstances.

I am glad that no measures have been introduced that would obstruct or curtail this essential source of energy for the common good. Catholic parishes will continue to serve the needs of their local community.

Text on CBCEW website

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