What event does Revelation 17:16, 17 refer to according to Mormons?


Accepted answer

Depperm pointed you to the student manual in the other question. Here it is again:


I don't suppose you were satisfied with what is written there.

Mormons really don't take official positions on such questions very much, as a church.

The general teaching of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to believe in Jesus Christ, to repent, etc.

Beyond that is pretty much up to the individual to learn through study and prayer.

If one individual member finds some parallel between the ten horns and the harlot being made desolate, and certain events in history, that member should pray for further understanding and instruction. The instruction received should be treated as sacred, not as doctrine to show off or try to convince others that they should believe, because it was given to an individual.

In other words, there really isn't an answer that a Mormon could give you and say, "This is what Mormons believe."

(afterthought:) This is a little bit about the general approach to prophecies in Mormon thought.

I noticed a related question that had been closed for being a bit too controversial, apparently trying to tie recent events to apocalyptic revelation, and someone pointed out that seven-of-three-of-a-committee sorts of events can be seen in many of the organizations of the world.

Many of the prophecies are considered by Mormons more as patterns than as specific fore-tellings. 1 Nephi 19: 23, 24 might help with this concept. And there is a Church magazine article ( The Ensign, March 2009, Likening the Scriptures to Our Personal Lives ) that talks about the idea in more depth.

And there is a reference page on signs that sort of speaks to the idea that signs are less about making people believe and more about helping believers figure out what to do next.

Sorry that I didn't think to bring this to the table in my first try at an answer. (end-afterthought)

So, if a well-known Mormon some eighty or so years ago gave it as his opinion that verses 16 and 17 indicated historical events many centuries ago, it would not preclude a repeat of similar circumstances in our time.

I could tell you what I used to think about the woman and the ten horns, and that would be an opinion I used to sort of think might be the case, but I've since seen other interpretations that work as well, so I'll just say, if it's important to you, ask God.



There's no official answer because the Latter Day Saints are under limitations. Meaning, just as Jesus of Nazareth taught in parables and gave tests for people to figure things out on their own, the same doctrine is used from the highest to the lowest hierarchy in the latter day saint org.

It's also a good way to avoid deception and human fallibility. The more predictions and doctrines people make, the more it turns out to be wrong as time proceeds.

A persuasive non dogma answer I found was from this site. http://johnpratt.com/items/docs/2016/clothed_with_sun.html#3.3

The executive summary is that prophecies can duplicate themselves. Partially in order to ensure that the enemy doesn't easily counter or predict them. It happened in the past, so presently can be used as proof for the present events, which also foretell the future events. The prophecies concerning Jesus of Nazareth being the Messiah that will undo the corruption of humanity, often got fulfilled in ways that people didn't expect.

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