Is there consensus on the age of human civilization?


It'd depend on how you go about defining civilization. The Lascaux cave paintings are dated by archeologists to 17000 years ago. Farming communities, along with animal domestication and pottery started roughly 10000-12000 years ago at the beginning of the paleolithic. Actual written language started possibly as early as 5000 years ago.

Edit: So to clarify... the definition of civilization is ambiguous. A Biblicist creationary view and a secular archeologist could probably agree on the date of written language. They would very likely disagree on the date range of the first farming communities, they most certainly would disagree on the date range of the cave paintings.

The "age of human being" taken to be the accepted date of the first h*m* sapiens sapiens would be well beyond any kind of reconciliation between the two viewpoints (on the order of a couple hundred thousand years).

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