What is the meaning of the phrase "Entertaining Angels"?


Just to comment on the Newsboys song portion of your question. When they play this song in concert, written and sung by Phil Joel, they refer Luke 15:10 that says "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents." This song is about someone who has just accepted Christ as their Savior. The angels are waiting 24/7 for the sinner to repent and come back into a loving relationship. It's also about talking to God and seeking Him. I can't speak for Dorothy Day - but sounds like that may more refer to the Hebrews scriptures since she was known for reaching out into the community.


This sort of entertainment is not like a vaudeville act on a stage or a stand up comedian. It's rather more like entertain as you would a dinner guest. Welcome them into your home and make them feel comfortable being there. Hospitality describes it well.

The phrase entertain strangers comes from the Greek word φιλοξενίας (philoxenias) which literally means to love or befriend strangers. Entertaining angels comes from the Greek ξενίσαντες ἀγγέλους (xenisantes angelous) which literally means to receive angels as guests.

Abraham knew he was speaking to angels and that one of the angels was YHWH Himself in angelic form. See Genesis 18:27, 31-32. But others in the Bible spoke to angels and did not know it until after the encounter, to which the verse in the book of Hebrews refers.


It's a phrase from Hebrews 13:2:

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (ESV)

Most commentators do think that it refers to the Abraham story, as well as Lot, Gideon, and Samson's parents. See this BH question for more.

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