Books of NT written after the assumption of Mary


Accepted answer

All of them. Jesus was 33 when he died. If she were 12 - 20 years old at his birth, then she would have been 45 - 53 years old at his death. Which is quite old for people at that time. The earliest known books of the New Testament were written around 45-55 CE. This would have her age between 57 - 75 year old - which would not be consistent with the average age of humans in the first century. I am assuming year 0 for Jesus' birth. However there are reasons to suspect that his birth was as early as 6BC which would make her that much older.

Furthermore, it would have been highly unlikely that at Mary's age and potential fame, would have survived the First Jewish-Roman War. Please consider reading this article which dates the assumption no later than 70 AD.


According to Wikipedia

The first book written was probably 1 Thessalonians, written at around 50 AD. The last book of the canon is the Book of Revelation said to be written by John of Patmos during the reign of Domitian (81-96).

The earliest reference (that I could find) to the Assumption of Mary is found in Pseudo-Melito by Saint Epiphanius of Salamis dated at 300 AD

If therefore it might come to pass by the power of your grace, it has appeared right to us your servants that, as you, having overcome death, do reign in glory, so you should raise up the body of your Mother and take her with you, rejoicing, into heaven. Then said the Savior [Jesus]: ‘Be it done according to your will’(The Passing of the Virgin 16:2–17)

From the answer given by Affable Geek and from the quoted text it can be derived that Mary was sleeping or dead until the time of the Assumption; she could have been in this state for many years before the Assumption.

Due to the significance of the event and the timing of the writings of Saint Epiphanius, it should not have happened not too long before the event was written down (lets say 100 years, i.e. 200AD).

Thus from the difference in time it is unlikely that any books of the Bible was written after Mary's Assumption.

From the comments with Matt Gutting

From ccel it is said that Mary's Assumption happened in the second year ... after Christ had vanquished death.

From jimmy akin

There is not enough time between the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar--A.D. 29--and the next year's Passover to accomodate a ministry of at least two years. As a result, the traditional date of Jesus' death--Friday, April 3, A.D. 33--must be regarded as the correct one.

Thus Mary's Assumption happened 35 A.D.

All of the New Testament books were written after Mary's Assumption

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