Which "Church of God" believes in "God the Mother"?


Accepted answer

I think you're talking about the World Mission Society Church of God. Or Church of God for short. It was founded in Korea in 1985 by Ahn Sahng-Hong, and according to them has almost two million members.

After browsing their website for a short time it definitely falls in line with the following.

  1. They do specifically cite Galatians 4:26 and 4:28 for this belief as well as others.
  2. This one is a bit harder to find but this alludes heavily to it, if not out right says it.
  3. These were a bit harder to find.

    1. I could not find this

    2. This is spelled out here

    3. This is covered here

    4. This is their page about Heavenly mother but it doesn't mention the apostasy.

  4. Here it states "We should not understand this word just literally but put it into practice." but that is the closest I could find.

  5. This one is pretty much everywhere. This page says

"Just as salvation was withheld from those who were stuck on the name of Jehovah and failed to receive Jesus as their Savior in the age of the Son (Rom. 15:4), salvation will never be given to those who are stuck on the name of Jesus in this age."

and then goes on to say

"Please believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong, our Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit, so that you may receive eternal life!"

Note Ahnsahnghong is the name of the founder of the church.

Your confusion on the first point makes sense because of the following found under the link in #1 above.

The Bible clearly testifies that our heavenly Mother exists, and that only our heavenly Mother can give us eternal life.

and the below is after quoting Gen. 1:26-27

The above verse states that God has two imagesβ€”a male image and a female image.

The wikipedia page about them paraphrases much of this.


I've encountered these people in Korea a number of times. You noted that you thought there was some similarity with the Seventh-day Adventist church. I've heard, but not confirmed, that the founder was a former member of the Adventist church.

However, their beliefs that you cited are mostly divergent from those of Adventism. In fact, the only similarities are the Saturday Sabbath and a literal interpretation of the Bible (though that term itself is so broad it's hard to know whether there is any similarity; in my discussions of them, I've found their hermeneutics to be sorely lacking). Everything else on your list is different from what Adventists believe, though we partially agree with point 2.

By the way, I'm writing from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective.

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