Why are babies dressed in white during a Roman Catholic christening?


At our parish, all-white outfits are worn by the girls up to age 17 for regular baptisms and Easter vigil baptisms. The girls wear the standard, poofy, white, short sleeve, knee-length baptism dresses with a matching bonnet, lace anklets or tights, and white patent leather shoes. A white tee shirt with a cloth diaper and plastic pants is worn under the dresses to add to the girls' purity.

For First Communion, the communion dress and veil are worn with lace anklets, white shoes, the white tee shirt, cloth diaper, and plastic pants are worn under the dress.

For confirmation at 16, the boys wear suits and ties and the girls wear floor-length white dresses and veils with gloves. A camisole with a cloth diaper, plastic pants, and white tights is worn under the dresses with patent leather shoes.


The color white is primarily symbolic of the pure state of the baby's/adult's soul along with the renewal of life after being cleansed of original sin by the Holy Spirit. But as with all symbolism, there are many more things associated with the color (according to Wikipedia):

According to surveys in Europe and the United States, white is the color most often associated with innocence, perfection, the good, honesty, cleanliness, the beginning, the new, neutrality, lightness, and exactitude.

There are no official Catholic teaching on the color of clothing, but people may choose white on account of the tradition and symbolism of the color.

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