What was the debate at the Reformation concerning "non extra carnem" vs. "extra calvinisticum"?


I'm not sure I understand the specifics of the issue exactly, but the Essay Library from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod often has good resources on questions like this.

A quick search turned up two essays that seem to speak to the questions:





Sorry for the format of my initial answer. I went through the first document a bit more carefully and it looks like the difference between the Calvinists and Lutherans was about how Christ's body was present in the Eucharist.

From the first article:

Calvin’s main objection to the Lutheran understanding of the sacrament was that the Lutherans understood the body and blood of Christ to be present substantially...and would allow no figurative understanding of Jesus’ words of institution. The Lutherans believed that Christ’s true body was able to be simultaneously present on many altars by virtue of the communication of attributes...and therefore truly present under the physical elements of bread and wine.

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