Does Cain still have descendants on the earth?


Accepted answer

Your answer seems correct. As God has never approved of being unequally yoked. Cain's descendants followed after Cain and dwelt in his city (Gen 4:17). God never wanted people to live clustered in cities, where sin would abound, and there are various examples of this throughout Genesis. God's people stayed in the wilderness, tilling the ground and doing the work God had commanded to them as a blessing, even though the ground was now cursed. These were the people that began "calling on the name of the LORD." (Gen 4:25)

You could see the striking difference between the people that followed God and obeyed His commandments and those that did not.

From this point you can infer that Noah and his sons, being righteous in the eyes of God, would not mix with those who did evil in the eyes of God. If this is so, then Noah and his 3 sons would have wives that loved the LORD and were not of the lineage of Cain.

Of course it could also be that one or more of the wives were descendants of Cain that decided to follow in the way of the LORD. Nevertheless, the Bible offers no such insight on this matter. So the true answer is we do not know, but I'm definitely more inclined to say that they all were destroyed.


The Bible is silent on this matter. The Bible doesn't mention explicitly that only the descendants of Cain are destroyed in the flood. Therefore, we can only speculate.

There are other less authentic books apart from the books of the Bible. These books sometimes help us to understand the accounts written in Genesis better and in more detail. According to Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan and other books like Life of Adam and Eve, the descendants of Cain lived completely isolated from the descendants of Seth. It was the descendants of Cain who were wicked and God wiped them from the earth by flood, saving only the descendants of Seth, who were only eight people when the flood happened. The descendants of Cain were numerous because unlike the descendants of Seth, they were very active sexually and reproduced rapidly, resulting in large population.


We cannot know. We know nothing about Noah's female ancestors or his sons' wives. Maybe one (or more) of them was a descendant of Cain, maybe not. The Bible simply doesn't tell us enough to know either way.

The idea that Seth's righteous family wouldn't intermarry with Cain's unrighteous family is unsupportable from the Bible, because Seth's righteous family didn't exist. At the time of Noah God said he was the only righteous person. The only other one we know for certain is righteous was Enoch. I've asked before why people call Seth's line righteous and no one has given any good reason why it should be.


Whether or not Cain has any DNA remaining in any or all of the humans now existant on earth, it can be unequivocally stated that Cain has no "descendants." A descendant - at least in a legal sense - implies legitimacy to which the Bible itself does not lend credence.

Abraham, for example, is technically the ancestor of Ishmael, but after he was kicked out, was not reckoned as a descendant.

Noah is reckoned as a descendant of Seth, regardless of whether or not a daughter in the line of Cain was a grandmother of some relation. Cain's line was wiped out with the flood, as were the Nephilim.

Cain's legacy was to be "a restless wanderer on the earth." This would imply that any progeny would not necessarily have his legacy, and hence while he may be an ancestor, his children are not "descedants."

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