Is there a word for the beliefs of Baptists?


Accepted answer

Since one of the most visible characteristic of a Baptist church is adult baptism (instead of baby baptism in some Reformed churches), a word for the beliefs of Baptists would be "Credobaptism" or Believer's baptism.

If you can do with two words, you can use "Baptist beliefs", which more explicitly include other Baptist-specific doctrines. The Wikipedia article includes an acrostic BAPTIST:

  • Biblical authority (Matt 24:35; 1Pet 1:23; 2Tim 3:16–3:17)
  • Autonomy of the local church (Matt 18:15–18:17; 1Cor 6:1–6:3)
  • Priesthood of all believers (1Pet 2:5–2:9; 1Tim 2:5)
  • Two ordinances (believer's baptism and the Lord's Supper) (Acts 2:41–2:47; 1Cor 11:23–11:32)
  • Individual soul liberty (Rom 14:5–14:12)
  • Saved and baptized church membership (Acts 2:41–2:47; 1Cor 12:12; 2Cor 6:14; Eph 4:3)
  • Two offices of the church (elder and deacon) (1Tim 3:1–3:13)

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