Schengen Visa- chances for a student?


As a student in an US university that needs to apply for a schengen visa, as long as you are able to provide the necessary documents, they usually just give you the visa. You shouldn't worry, honestly. Another plus is that the French usually are more generous with their visa allotments, so I say that you shouldn't worry!


I think getting schengen visa is easier if u are a full time student, no? It doesn't look like there is any problem with your background so i think you should be in good shape.


Make sure that you are halfway through some part of your studies, and that you can document that fact. That makes you look less like a would-be immigrant, which is always a concern.


I applied for Schengen Visa for a couple times while I was a student in the UK as well. I got visa every time. Just make sure you provide all the documents and enough fund. If you have every thing they need to see; return tickets, money in the bank to support while you're there and letter from your university and accommodation. I don't see why your case would be different than mine.

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