Can You Bring Emotional Support Animals To College

Can You Bring Emotional Support Animals to College?

Going to college is an exciting and transformative experience. It's a time of learning, growth, and independence. For many students, it's also a time when emotional support animals can provide much-needed comfort and support. Emotional support animals, often referred to as ESAs, can be a tremendous source of emotional wellbeing for individuals dealing with mental health challenges. However, bringing an emotional support animal to college is subject to certain rules and regulations. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of bringing emotional support animals to college campuses.

What is an emotional support animal?

An emotional support animal is a pet that provides comfort and support to an individual with a mental health condition. Unlike service animals, emotional support animals do not require specific training to perform tasks. Instead, their presence alone helps alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other emotional disorders. These animals are prescribed by mental health professionals to individuals who can benefit from their companionship and emotional support.

Are emotional support animals allowed in college dormitories?

The answer to this question varies by college and university. While some institutions allow emotional support animals in dormitories, others may have specific policies in place. It's crucial for students interested in bringing an emotional support animal to college to contact their institution's housing department well in advance to understand the requirements, documentation, and any associated fees that may be involved.

What documentation is required?

Generally, colleges and universities will require documentation of the student's need for an emotional support animal. This documentation typically includes a letter from a licensed mental health professional stating the student's need for an emotional support animal to alleviate symptoms related to their mental health condition. Additionally, the letter should outline the specific tasks or functions the animal performs, as well as the duration of the prescribed support.

Are there any restrictions on the type of animal?

Again, this can vary depending on the college or university. While some institutions may limit emotional support animals to traditional pets such as dogs or cats, others may allow a wider range of animals, including small rodents or birds. It's essential to consult your college's housing department or disability services office to understand their specific guidelines.

What responsibilities do students have when bringing an emotional support animal to college?

Bringing an emotional support animal to college comes with certain responsibilities. These responsibilities may include:

  • Ensuring the animal's well-being, including appropriate shelter, food, and medical care.
  • Following all local and campus regulations regarding pet ownership.
  • Preventing any disturbances or potential harm caused by the animal to others.
  • Being mindful of individuals with allergies or fears of animals.


Emotional support animals can be incredibly beneficial for college students dealing with mental health issues. While bringing an emotional support animal to college is possible, it's important to adhere to the policies set by the institution. Contacting the college's housing department, providing necessary documentation, and understanding the associated responsibilities are crucial steps in ensuring a positive experience for both the student and the animal.


Can I bring multiple emotional support animals to college?

The allowance of multiple emotional support animals will depend on the college or university. Some may be more lenient, while others may restrict the number of animals a student can bring. It's best to consult with the housing or disability services office to understand their specific guidelines regarding multiple emotional support animals.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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