Can anyone give me some idea about scamming and rippings off in Cairo of Egypt?


There is plenty of advice about scam techniques which are similar everywhere.

One to watch out for is the 'softly' approach where they are at first friendly and want to buy you coffee etc. Then you are indebted to them and it gives them leverage when they make their pitch. That will inevitably be a request for money in some shape or form, and their next weapon is likely to be anger when you don't oblige.

The method is to groom you, and then use social mores as weapons to manipulate and fleece you. The way to respond is not to be unfriendly, or put up barriers, because you don't really want a defensive experience. As a tourist you can afford to pay for their coffee, so if you can turn the episode to your own advantage (for example to obtain local knowledge), so much the better.


A quick google search finds a series of usual scams; They are probably the same everywhere.

Fake taxi/uber, Fake tours/guides, Fake police, people asking to take pictures, "you drop something" pickpocket scam, people giving you gifts, people taking you to a fake/unsafe ATM machine.

People who speak English too fluently that comes out of nowhere to help you out. (see fake guides)

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