Tourist Visa to USA for UK Citizen - What is the process?


  1. Of course. (And in fact you're applying for the visa because you're not eligible for ESTA because you intend to visit for longer than 90 days.)
  2. Answer all the questions on the application form truthfully.
  3. Good idea.
  4. They will probably ask you why you're applying for a visa instead of using the visa waiver program. The answer is of course that you want to stay for longer than 90 days. It is probably better to have a specific duration planned and to state that duration, for example, "I want to stay for four months" or "I am planning a trip from May 20th through November 3rd" or what have you.

As to the question of supporting yourself, occasional calls related to your business that are incidental to your primary purpose of tourism are probably not going to be a problem, but I wouldn't mention this unless prompted by their questions. If they do ask about it, though, don't be evasive, as they will surely pick up on that.

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