What does this road sign mean?


Accepted answer

This site AUTOBAHN(S) OF GERMANY states

... drivers are free to go as fast as they want in de-restricted sections of the autobahns ... Germany is the only country in the world where no general speed limit apply on motorways. That could change, but for now derestricted stretches still exist and are marked with the “end of all speed bans” sign, which is a white round sign with four thin lines crossing over it.

On roads other than autobahns, national speed limits apply, as shown in Speed limits in Germany – your complete travel guide.


According to this random site I got through googling "autobahn roadsigns", the sign you have shown is described as "End Speed Zone". So that would suggest that the 120 km/h speed limit has been rescinded past that sign.


The sign you saw is sign 278 (Zeichen 278) as defined in Annex 2 to the German Straßenverkehrsordnung. The explanation given to the sign in the annex is:

Ende der zulässigen Höchstgeschwindigkeit

(End of permitted highest speed = end of speed limit)

The sign signalises that a previously imposed speed limit by sign 274 (black numbers on a white background surrounded by a red circle; your average European speed limit sign) is no longer valid.

The literal meaning of the words used can be a bit confusing. The sign does not necessarily mean ‘no speed limit from here on’. It is used in towns and on country roads as well as on the motorway. It only means that the (typically lower) speed limit previously imposed by a road sign is now no longer valid and standard speed limits apply. In towns, that would be 50 km/h; on country roads 100 km/h.

Only on motorways and dual carriageways, where there is no general speed limit, does this sign imply a literal end of limited speed. However, note that even in the absence of a speed limit a Richtgeschwindigkeit (recommended speed) of 130 km/h applies (rectangular blue sign with white numbers on it).

Also note that outside of towns (meaning on country roads, dual carriageways and motorways) specific types of vehicles such as buses and cars with trailers or caravans still have a general speed limit imposed on them. This sign does not cancel these general speed limits, much like a limit of 120 km/h does not permit a lorry to drive at 120 km/h (it is still limited to 80 km/h).

Finally note that this is only one option of cancelling a speed limit previously imposed by sign 274. Another one is sign 282, which is identical except that there is no number in grey on the background. Sign 278 only cancels the speed limit; while sign 282 will cancel speed limits and restrictions on overtaking.

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