Using one visa-free to enter Vietnam to avoid multiple-entry visa


Accepted answer

Yes you can use your visa free entry the first time and your visa for the second visit, I have done this numerous times being a Swedish passport holder we can enter once every 30 days visa free and if more I apply for a visa for the second visit.

No you cannot have two over lapping visas single entry as soon as your second visa becomes active your previous visa is void and cannot be used


Please check the explanations on this site vietnamsvisa. If you choose a single-entry visa, you are allowed to enter/leave Vietnam only once in the allocated period, after which you have to apply for a new visa.

So to answer your question: Yes, you could apply for 2 single-entry visas for your purposed trip. I don't know anything about the second question but from a legal point of view you probably can't get 2 overlapping visas (to somehow "cheat" the system).

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