Can you use a JR Pass to travel between Sapporo and Tokyo?


Accepted answer

The quick answer is yes, you can. Read on for the details

What to get

You have to get your JR pass from your home country before you leave for Japan, they're not for sale there ! Here's a list of dealers, search for your region and buy it there.

The green car is not necessary unless you want it, it's like a first class train.

How it works

Once you have it, your pass is your train ticket, you just show it to board. The JR pass allows you to travel on JR lines (except Mizuho and Nozomi trains), so make sure to avoid the small private networks and you should be fine.

Some trains require reservations so you will have to go to the station to reserve a seat (you can't do it online). Your JR pass means the reservation is free, but you still have to do it. There's no minimum time before the train leaves, I've done it 20-30min or a few days before, it doesn't take very long, but if it's a busy route all the seats may already be reserved.

Japan Guide has a great page about this.

How to get there

Now, with all that said, there are many trains that run between Sapporo and Tokyo, especially now with the introduction of the Shinkansen you have more options, and there's always an overnight train too. You can definitely do the whole journey on a train only.

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