PCR test required to fly to Spain?


Accepted answer

At the present time, as a vaccinated Spanish citizen flying from a low-risk country, you do not need a pre-flight covid test.

This Spanish Ministry of Health page describes the current requirements. Drilling down on that page will reveal the EU list of low-risk countries (Canada is on the list) and the text of the Spanish Health Control Form which you must complete and submit on-line before flight. Note that the list of low-risk countries is reviewed by the EU each week; the list presented on the page linked above is effective from 30 December 2021 until 5 January 2022.

Adding your travel info into this secondary source generates a report that does not mention or require a pre-travel covid test.

EDIT Jan 11, 2022: The OP was successful in entering Spain (see the comment below), but correctly pointed out that because the itinerary included a transit in Portugal (not mentioned in the question), the OP also had to be admissible into Portugal. Fortunately, the OP was admissible into Portugal.

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