Belgium, road closure A11?


Accepted answer

As I recall I got the same notice on my phone last night, after having taken that exact road to get home. It seems to either be a bug or they've interpreted a traffic notice incorrectly: there are roadworks on that particular freeway with single-lane traffic from Vrasene (on the left on your map) going east to just past where it joins the R2 with part of the exit closed (E34 > R2 closed, take next exit; R2 > E34 West closed; R2 > E34 open).

However, since you're driving west, not east, you shouldn't even encounter any delays. That road is most definitely open.

Additional source to confirm:


I'm not from Belgium, but I suspect it might be a bug. The A11 in the UK was closed today following a collision (see twitter tweets about it and perhaps Google's placed it on the wrong A11.

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