Rent a car with unlimited mileage in southern France and drive to Croatia


Accepted answer

I checked with local car-rentals and all of them gave me a no-go for Croatia and unlimited mileage at the same time. The main reason (after some digging) is that they are sure to lose money since there is a greater risk that I drive a lot, and that the car loses value way faster than if I drove to the Netherlands or Germany (ca. 3 000 km vs 4 000+ km) for the same rental fee.
When they don't allow to drive in a country, either it's explicitly written in the car's documents and you just can't pass the border controls, either the car rental insurance is void and you're on your own in case of an accident. But I don't recommend trying this.

I managed to rent a car from a private person via a website, paid for my estimated mileage, and then negotiated with him to pay a small fee in case I drive more (7 cents per exceeded kilometer).

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