What kind of bag can I use to travel with a baby car seat?


Accepted answer

After searching a lot, I eventually found a very large duffel bag, from Outdoor Products, that was perfect for the job. Actually, the bag is so large that there was enough room for more things, such as clothes, toys and other stuff. Here's how it looks, with the car seat inside:

enter image description here

I have already made the trip and everything went fine. But I do recommend that anyone with the same kind of luggage also wrap the bag in plastic (as others have suggested) at the airport. The base of the car seat is made mainly of plastic and may get damaged in the transport.


I would suggest wrapping it in plastic. This will make it good to be checked lugagge. Plastic wrapping is good for weird shaped luggage and in your case it is a perfect fit for that. Also, it is cheap and available in almost every airport. Check this question about plastic-wrapping luggage for more details.

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