What section of the US Embassy issues Visas and how do I address them in a formal letter?


Accepted answer

The department is: Consular Section. The generic title: Consular Officer

But ultimately addressing it to the United States Embassy is just as effective. A perfect salutation will not effect your visa application's chances. What counts is the content and that content should show why you will return ... a good salary, a team leader, a long time as an employee, job waiting your return, etc.

Other good proof of return would be: if you are any sort of a care provider, perhaps you have children to come back to care for, perhaps you have parents who live with you and you take care of; do you own a house (renting doesn't mean much anymore, unless you have a very long term lease on an upscale place); are you a partner in a business; have a nice new car that you are making payments on. They want to see things that force you to return home for.

Big bank accounts are no longer of much value for the "prove you are coming home" aspect, as with internet banking you can access your funds anywhere. But they still like to see some money as proof of being able to support yourself while traveling in the USA.

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