Do you have to stay at a hotel to get reservations at Sukiyabashi Jiro?


Accepted answer

The hotel concierge booking doesn't apply to local residents. It is for visitors. There's no mention of one month in advance in their reservation notice, but it is clear, both in the Japanese and English versions, that they don't accept reservations by phone.

Locals probably can get a booking by visiting the restaurant, or using a booking service. And I suspect [some] regulars will just need a phone call. With ten seats only, that restaurant can pick and choose its clients anyway.


What can I do?

Nothing. You will not get a reservation at Jiro's, forget it. You need to be extremely well-connected, rich or lucky (better yet, a combination thereof) to land one, even as a local.

If you are well connected, ask your connection to ask for you. If you are rich, stay at a very expensive hotel, and ask them to ask for you (if you have a credit card with a concierge service, that could also work). If you are feeling lucky, ask your Japanese relative to call the number on the homepage and pray that the call gets through, and if it does get through, pray again that they will talk to you.

Update (November 2019): Sukiyabashi Jiro has been kicked out of the Michelin guide because the guide considers that it "does not accept reservations from the general public".

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