Why do people still leave flowers at the Temple of Julius Caesar?


It seems like it has a relation with the "souvenir" of the Italian kingdom and the fascist era :

The Temple is gone, and the podium was long ago stripped of its marble casings and bronze rostra: various Popes found pious uses for all that. Part of the massive concrete core of the podium remains, and in front of it, behind a nondescript wall and under that inelegant semi-circular tin roof is a low mound, the remains of the Caesar's altar, that gets fresh floral decoration every day. On most days there are only a few blooms, but sometimes, on days that always seem to coincide with monarchist and (Divine Julius forbid!) Fascist remembrances, there are many more. A line of school children often waits to squeeze into the narrow space from which you can see the mound. mmdtkw.org

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