Are there any universally accepted or non-Abrahamic based books in history that have mentions of longevity of prophets?


(Meta) Question 1: Is it possible that Human beings actually used to live that long?

No, it is not. The human body is not designed with the capability of living beyond about 125. We have ample archeological samples from actual burials in the Ancient era, and earlier, all of which confirm that people of that era lived much shorter lives than modern humans, not longer. Life expectancy in the Ancient Era would have been around 30 years (vs 72 now).

(Actual) Question 2: Are there other ancient records that claim unreasonably long lifespans like the Bible does?

Yes there are. The Sumerian King list shows Gilgamesh ruling for 128 years, and some lesser-known kings ruling for tens of thousands of years. I think the record-holder is En-men-lu-ana, at 43,200 years. What these have in common with the Bible is that the further removed from the actual date that humans wrote that record, the longer a lifespan the writer attributes to them.

So essentially, it appears that more mythological figures get ascribed longer lives. The closer to living memory of when the record was taken, the more realistic their lifespan. This holds both for the Bible, the Sumerian King List, and other ancient king lists, even though all of them were recorded at very different times.

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